Home Pointers Lara


Lara is currently in Crete, she was found recently having been dumped. ****Lara is not available until February when she should be fit enough****

She is 10 years old (born 7/12) and currently 19.2 kg.

She is so sweet and gentle, just wants love and affection. She is a very good dog, no problems at all. Loves people and all other dogs. She has zero hunting & prey instinct; Cats, birds, all invisible to her!

Lara has a battered old body, but she is the sweetest soul in every possible way. She has physical weakness in her back legs, but the vet thinks this will get much better in time. She walks easily, trots around in the park. We have a flight of stairs to our apartment, and she struggles to go down, up is fine. Her fosters would love to keep her if they had a garden. She is very easy.

Fosters advise that she has been to the vet twice so far. Her body is a mess. First she had to be treated for many fleas before we they brought her home. She had a liquid applied all over, and a tablet for ticks, fleas etc, and worming tablets. She had an antibiotic injection for her skin. The vet hopes she will make a great recovery with a bit of time.

Fosters live in a 1st floor apartment. Lara has not had any accidents inside. She goes to toilet when walked (4 times a day) but she has peed on verandah a couple of times. With a garden, we are sure she wouldn’t go toilet in the house. Working on leash training, it’s new to her. She has good recall off leash, stays close.

Can you provide a home for this lovely lady?

Posted: AE 131222

Information about Lara

10-11 years
Originates From
Medical Info
Yes many old injuries and scars. On all limbs there is scar
tissue, probably form sleeping on concrete for years.
All are healed, they are old wounds.
Her teats are very saggy! Too many puppies.
Blood tests done, amazingly she is negative
for Leish & Ehrlicia. Her organs are ok too.
Child Friendly
Okay With Other Dogs
Okay With Cats
House Trained
Work in progress
Leash Trained
Work in progress
Pointer / Pointer X