Yoko is a 4 years old female German Shorthaired Pointer. She came to the UK from Greece in 2021 and she has been living with a family including a child (age 9-11). Yoko has her Kennel Club Good Citizenship Bronze level and is training for her Silver. She is good on a lead and she enjoys city centres and cafes.
Yoko has a soft nature, enjoys training and cuddles. She is very loving and friendly with people, including people she doesn’t know. She is crate trained and sleeps well every night in her crate until about 7:30am. Physically, she is on the small side for a German Shorthaired Pointer and about 20kg.
Unfortunately, Yoko initially adapted well at home but recently problems have developed with Yoko and the other male dog. The other dog is a nervous rescue and Yoko’s behaviour is making him more nervous. Therefore, her current family believe both dogs would be happier if Yoko was in a home without another dog, so, have made the decision to sadly let Yoko go to a new permanent loving home.
Her recall was non-existent when she arrived but is now good. She is only let off the lead in dog parks to ensure she doesn’t react to other bouncy dogs. Her socialisation and building trust with other dogs need further work.