Pocket Pointer Chopsy, formerly Dora, was rescued from Cyprus in June 2020 at only eight months old. Once in the care of Pointers In Need she soon caught the attention of Rachel from Wiltshire who jumped at the chance to adopt her and add to her dog family.
“I have always rescued high energy breeds that I can run with and I specifically wanted a Pointer to join my ageing Dalmatian and middle-aged Vizsla. When I saw Chopsy’s little face I couldn’t resist!
Although it was a very long journey for Chopsy, the transfer from Cyprus to Wiltshire was seamless. It was 3am when we eventually arrived home and we slept together on the sofa that first night – Chopsy snuggled behind my knees and although she had a few shudders throughout the night I knew she felt safe.
Chopsy immediately loved her big brother and sister, although they weren’t all that enamoured with her lack of manners, she can be a menace! She is either sweet and calm or manic, there is no in between and no pattern. Does she drive me mad? Yes! Would I be without her? No! When we are relaxing Chopsy likes to sit on my shoulder or behind me, the closer the better.
Chopsy has a very high prey drive so I can’t let her off the lead when we’re out and about, but apart from that she has a nice garden, long walks, a warm bed and a big sister (Murphy my Dalmatian sadly died last summer). Lastly I can’t forget to mention her love of a coat or jumper to keep her warm during the winter, she’s got quite a collection now and has become a bit of a fashionista!”