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Karin Ringrose

Trustee, Volunteer and Fosterer

I have grown up around dogs, mostly Labradors and Retrievers. In 2014,  I rescued a cute black and white puppy from Spain Rudi from the local rescue centre. On his passport his breed was described as Pointer. Completely unaware of the breed, my life was about to change completely. Pointers have such huge personalities, intelligence and a joyous nature. I fell absolutely totally in love.

Two years later I found an orange and white boy needing a home so Herbie came home to stay, since that time our family of Pointers has increased to three with the addition of a 7 year old orange and white bitch called Rosie.

I started volunteering with the Pointers In Need Team in 2019 the rewards of working within the team are insurmountable. The joy of finding homes for these beautiful dogs pulls on my heart strings every time. Knowing we have made a difference, really makes it all so worthwhile.