Home checking
We need special people on board to help us make sure that our Pointers go to great homes.

Home checking is an absolute vital part of operations at Pointers In Need.
The task? To help ensure that both Pointer and prospective adopter are an excellent match for each other.
We visit every prospective home to make sure that the environment is the right one for a Pointer, such as having an enclosed area of garden, a comfortable quiet place to relax, etc. We like to meet everyone in the household and any other pets. We also ask lots of questions.
It’s a valuable opportunity for adopters to ask questions too. Our team are always happy to ‘talk Pointer’ and answer queries about the process of rehoming, settling in, training etc.
Pointers In Need listens carefully to the needs and expectations of prospective adopters. It is this approach, combined with the detailed home check, that helps our team to be confident when we match adopters with our dogs. This means that adopters can focus their attention on getting to know their Pointer and begin to forge a wonderful relationship.
So if you are experienced with dogs and have a knowledge of Pointers and/or other hunting breeds, please contact us. We’d love to chat to you about joining our team for your area.
Could you help us by fostering a Pointer?
Providing temporary accommodation is one of the best ways we can help to keep these special dogs safe and find their forever homes. If you are an experienced dog owner and have knowledge of hunting breeds, please get in touch. We would love to hear from you.
There are many other ways you can help these noble dogs. Please make a donation or buy something fabulous from our online shop. You can also register with easyfundraising – this brilliant idea raises money for Pointers In Need while you shop online and you don’t a penny extra. Meantime, please collect your stamps! It’s an easy way to raise much needed funds for our dogs.
Thank you.