Home News & Happy Stories Ben’s happy ending

Ben’s happy ending

“Ben has been with us since June 2023. When we were ready to open our home and hearts to another dog it was always going to be a Pointer. I have been a member of the Facebook group for over five years and my daughter has had a Pointer since 2020, so the decision was easy to contact Pointers in Need.

We initially enquired about another Pointer which was UK based but they were already spoken for, so after talking with us and understanding our personal circumstances, Karen Ringrose suggested Ben who was in foster with Jan Britton. Ben was in Spain and had been handed into a pound with no history at all. He was approximately three years old and had been in foster for three months. It was with help from Karin and a glimpse of the paw print on his markings that caught our attention. It made us smile and we all agreed he was for us.

The whole process was smooth, with excellent open communication throughout from Pointers In Need. Jan kept us updated on the preparations for his trip and sent photos. She also was there in early days as we all got to know each other.

Ben arrived on a sunny Sunday afternoon and the transport company were amazing – we received regular updates and photos during his journey. Once he arrived, Ben responded straight away to our attention and showed he was definitely a people dog that loved being around us, touching you with his body whenever possible and eager to please. We kept the first 48 hours very quiet with just us and he settled in very quickly.

Ben has so many funny quirks that it is hard to list. He will lick his legs dry after each drink and if they get wet from walking. He will do anything for a back scratch which includes positioning himself under your chair and catching your legs to rub his back. He bunny hops a lot when he gets excited, to get out or when he wants to get in the car. He goes everywhere with us now and is a big part of our lives.

We often stay away in hotels or self-catering and Ben takes it all in his stride. He will lay under the table on visits to dog friendly tearooms or when we’re having a pub lunch. He does react nervously to noises on occasions so because of that and a concern with his recall we do not let him off lead unless we’re in a secure field. A car door shutting or me kicking a stone accidentally would cause him to take flight.

Ben is happy just to be with you, he is never too far away whether we are in the garden or working. We are very glad and grateful to have Ben join us – thank you Pointers In Need.”

Adopter: Cathy Smith-Taylor

Published in
11 October 2024
Last Updated
11 October 2024